Clay Pigeon Flush Day 2024
Enter a team into this event – a firm favourite in the Lewis Moody Foundation calendar.
Teams of four will complete eight flushes of simulated game shooting, including 100ft+ towers and up to 500 cartridges per person.
The day includes breakfast, a two-course lunch and a lively charity auction. As well as taking part in the shoot, rugby legend Lewis Moody will be there to meet and greet guests and hold an interactive Q&A session in the morning.
Friday 28 June 2024
Pennsport, Newbury – Berkshire, UK
1 day
Cost of challenge:
£2,000 per team of 4
£500 for an individual place
Minimum sponsorship:
“Last year I had the pleasure of taking part in two Myzone Challenges set up by the Lewis Moody Foundation. Both of them encouraged me to be more active, they were great fun and as a group we supported each other and it really did feel like a team effort. The sponsorship you raise really will help fund the much needed support for those unfortunately diagnosed with a brain tumour. Now more than ever”
Oliver Highway, Myzone Challenge 2020
“The challenge was an amazing opportunity to truly get out of my comfort zone, meet some wild and wonderful new friends and to raise essential funds for The Foundation’s vital work.”
Kevan Walsh, Mega-Tri team member
“I will take a great deal from the challenge and know that I will be an even better leader and mentor in my business and a better person in my home and personal life from the experiences of the last 10 days.”
Jon Stump, CEO Mick George, headwest team member